WATCH: Can Germany get back on track ahead of the Euros? -

15 Ocak 2025 - 00:15

WATCH: Can Germany get back on track ahead of the Euros?

Will the Germany International Football Team be able to maintain its courage and change its destiny as the host of the European Championship?

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19 Kasım 2024 - 0:00

WATCH: Can Germany get back on track ahead of the Euros?

Germany has been engaged in a decade-long struggle to regain its football talent after being celebrated with victory at the 2014 World Cup. The decline of the national team has been evident over the last decade, but can Germany recapture its past glory?

The German team, the hosts of this summer’s European Championship, are looking for redemption after disappointing tournament performances. There were also problems off the field. In an unprecedented move last September, they sacked their coach Hansi Flick. Under the new leadership of coach Julien Naglesmann, optimism emerges from recent friendly victories. However, speculation has revolved around Nagelsmann’s future and the potential recruitment of Jurgen Klopp, who will leave his position at Liverpool in the summer.

But the real test awaits you at this year’s European Championship, where it will be tested whether they are ready to challenge for the cup. The German football team is hoping to return to the international stage at a crucial moment.


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