Olympic torch sails from Greece to France - Tarafhaber.netTarafhaber.net

8 Ocak 2025 - 03:12

Olympic torch sails from Greece to France

The lighthouse carrying the 2024 Olympic torch set out from Greece to France on a 19th-century sailing ship.

Son Güncelleme :

22 Kasım 2024 - 12:00

Olympic torch sails from Greece to France

The Olympic torch set sail from Greece on Saturday on the back of the Belem, a 127-year-old sailing ship.

It will travel 2000 kilometers across the Mediterranean for 12 days and dock in the port city of Marseille, France. It is expected to arrive on May 8.

The Flame will then tour France, including its overseas territories, before arriving at the Opening Ceremony on 26 July.

The Flame was officially handed over to French organizers on Friday at the Panathenaic Stadium, where the first modern games were held in Athens in 1896.

Paris 2024 President Tony Estanguet receives the Olympic torch from Hellenic Olympic Committee president Spyros Capralos in Athens on Friday, April 26, 2024.

The last of the torchbearers, Greek water polo player Ioannis Fountoulis, used the flame to light the cauldron at the Panathenaic Stadium. From there it was handed over to Paris 2024 chief Tony Estanguet.

There was flame kindledOn April 16 at Olympia in southern Greece, where the ancient games were held for more than 1,000 years, from 776 BC to 393 AD.

A series of torchbearers carried it from Olympia’s ancient stadium across Greece, a 5,000-kilometer route that included several islands and an overnight stay at the ancient Acropolis.


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