Judo Family Celebrates International Women's Day - Tarafhaber.netTarafhaber.net

5 Şubat 2025 - 09:48

Judo Family Celebrates International Women’s Day

Welcome to the Upper Austrian Judo Grand Prix, where the spirit of competition meets the magnificence of nature. The judo world turns its attention here for the next leg of the world judo tour!

Son Güncelleme :

05 Kasım 2024 - 12:00

Judo Family Celebrates International Women’s Day

On Friday, the judo family celebrated International Women’s Day, honoring the remarkable contributions of women around the world. This is a call to action for gender equality, challenging bias and Inspiring Inclusion.

Before the last block, the opening speeches were made by the Governor of Upper Austria, Thomas Stelzer; International Judo Federation General Manager Vlad MARINESCU; Austrian Judo Federation President Martin Poiger and Upper Austrian Minister of Economy and Sports Markus Achleitner also invited the judo family to Linz.

A superb performance from Serbia’s Marica PERISIC towards the gold score saw her finally beat Julie BEURSKENS to claim the -57kg gold medal.

The person who awarded the medals was the Governor of Upper Austria, Thomas STELZER.

-Japanese Mitsuki KONDO won his first medal in the World Judo Tour by beating his compatriot Wakana INAGAKI in the 48 kg category.

The medals were presented by Vlad MARINESCU, General Manager of the International Judo Federation.

With a weight of -60 kg, Spain’s last world champion and world number one, Francisco GARRIGOS, left behind the challenge of French Cedric REVOL. Throwing into the waza-ari before securing a vise-like pin to claim the title.

Upper Austrian Minister of Economy and Sports Markus ACHLEITNER was there to award the medals.

“This is my first time coming to Austria,” Garrigos said. “Everything was great, I would love to come again next year.”

Larissa PIMENTA and Binta NDIAYE competed in the -52 kilo final. It was Brazilian Pimenta who managed to shoot for Ippon and he was absolutely delighted.

IJF General Treasurer Naser AL TAMIMI awarded the medals.

“I love the energy here,” Pimenta said. “There was a moment in the final after the osae-komi where the kids were all cheering for me, it gave me so much strength.”

Japanese Keita HADANO won the gold medal in -66 kg by beating Israeli Baruch SHMAILOV with a golden score.

The medals were presented by Moshe PONTI, President of the Israeli Judo Association.

This amazing ippon by Vache ADAMYAN was the highlight of the day – what an inspiration for local fans!

Join us again on Saturday for more judo events in Linz, the heart of a region famous for its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture.


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