What are the consequences of the dissolution of Decreto Crescita on Italian football? - Tarafhaber.netTarafhaber.net

30 Ocak 2025 - 07:04

What are the consequences of the dissolution of Decreto Crescita on Italian football?

Italy created the legislation in 2019 but it is now being finalized.

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12 Kasım 2024 - 12:00

What are the consequences of the dissolution of Decreto Crescita on Italian football?

Football Now investigates the consequences of the end of Decreto Crescita.

In the 1990s and 2000s, Italian football teams achieved first place in European competitions, but financial aid was crucial. This trend was not specific to football; Many sectors in Italy have sought financial assistance in the last decade.

In 2019, Italy introduced a law that inadvertently became a secret asset for Italian football. This decision, known as ‘Decreto Crescita’ or ‘Growth Decree’ in English, enabled residents earning in the country’s highest tax bracket to benefit from a 50% reduction in income tax.

Since the inception of the bill, football teams have enjoyed a resurgence on the European scene, attracting some of the continent’s best players and coaches to Italy. However, there were dissenting voices from the beginning.

Following the political turmoil in Italy, the decree was abolished. Without the financial support provided by the decree, will they face greater difficulties in maintaining their domestic and international competitiveness?

Only time will tell how football clubs will adapt without the Decreto Crescita that previously attracted foreign players. Or will Italian leagues be forced to invest more in academies and domestic talent?


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